The Power of Prayer

Help House «Child of God»

Moon and sun

– Night, this night again. Mom, I’m scared. What’s that in the sky, mom?

– This is the moon, son.

– The moon, it’s so beautiful, but the night is darkness, I’m scared. I do not see anything. Mom, don’t go. I’m afraid to sleep on my own.

– I love you, don’t be afraid. I will always be there. I will protect yours a dream from all evil creatures. Sleep well. Tomorrow will be the day, there will be sun, you will see the light, fears will go away, and I will be there. You will live this day is filled with joy and happiness. I promise you. I love you son.

I am Zera, I will tell you the story of my life. The story of a woman who dedicated her life to her children. You will say: “Many people do this.” Yes and no. My choice was conscious. I knew what I had to do to save my son.

Forget about your desires, live and do only what is necessary for his survival. I made a choice in favor of God and living according to his commandments, to the extent possible for an ordinary person. “This is the only one who was, is and will always be by my side, no matter what, I told myself. I am the mother of a son with Asperger’s syndrome.

What is Asperger’s syndrome, in other words, autism spectrum disorder? The main symptoms of the disorder are problems in social interaction with others.

His outlook on life is different from that of an ordinary person. Because of this he has to suffer. His whole life is devoted to finding himself and his place in life. He would like to live like everyone else, but he cannot. His brain perceives information differently. Many famous people have lived with this syndrome. For example, Abraham Lincoln, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Bill Gates, Robie Williams and many others. Then the question arises, is this a disease or are these people geniuses?

If geniuses are like ordinary people, I think not.

Science still doesn’t know who these people with Asperger’s syndrome are. They only hope is that over time people will understand that this not a disease, but a different outlook on life.

As a result, few people want to help them; mostly they want to get rid of them in order to live in peace. I don’t blame people, everyone wants to live and enjoy life, and not make a sacrifice, forgetting about themselves and devoting themselves to raising a disabled child.

I am a mother and I love my children for who they are, and I can say with confidence that I am a happy mother. I have two beautiful sons, my joy and my happiness, and also my deep heartache.

There are a lot of mothers like me, heroine mothers who are ready to give their lives for a child, just so that he is happy.

I went through a lot with my son: persecution, humiliation, loneliness, illness, but together we survived.

Today I want to help those mothers who have given up, they can no longer fight for their children and their lives, because there is no strength, no support, no work and there is not enough livelihood.

A single mother raises her child alone, she has no choice: either send him to a boarding school, or give him maternal love and live in deprivation, since the child has no one else besides her. Mom is his only support and support.

My story is not only the story of a mother and child. This is the story of all single mothers with disabled children in their arms. Mothers who once, like me, made the decision not to give up no matter what.

My dream is to create a support center for single mothers with children disabled. A center where mothers can leave their children for free for the time necessary to arrange their lives: find a job, study, take care of their health. Since the life of her child directly depends on the good health of the mother and her position in society. If the mother is healthy, happy and confident, she will be able to continue raising her child, despite any difficulties. She will have the strength and capabilities to do this. Many mothers are forced to send their children to boarding schools only because they were not supported in time, since, unfortunately, there was no one to do this. The mother is alone and has no one except her child. A child who himself needs support and care.

In such centers, children will be able to communicate with their own kind, they will have the opportunity to live in the joy and care of the people around them, and not just their mothers. Children will know that besides their mother and their room, there are other people who love them and accept them for who they are. My dream is to give children joy, filling their days with care and love, they will be able to experience the world from a different perspective. With something they’ve never seen. They will live the life of an ordinary child. Play games, play music, sports and much more, things that were always forbidden and that they were even afraid to dream about. Children will forget about the loneliness that destroyed them day after day for many years and will say to themselves: “But it turns out that life is not only pain, but also joy.”

Ordinary people think that a disabled child does not need what they need, but this is an illusion. Disabled children and all of us want to live and enjoy life, and not live in deprivation.

If there are mothers who have gone through what I have gone through, or people who have been touched by my life story, who want to help this world become one step closer to God, please don’t pass me by! The fate of mothers and children depends on you. Each of us was given birth to by a mother, and each of us was a child. Let’s make this world a better place together!


«God is not our last hope, but our only hope».

Donation to the project «House of Help for the Child of God»
